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Part of our mission is to incubate small businesses. We hold 2 ongoing events each year: First Friday and our wonderful Farmers Market. First Friday is meant to showcase our Downtown and the businesses we already have - although it seems few - they are the landing spot for locals and tourists to shop.  By incubating small vendors and allowing them to be a part of our Downtown commerce, we are hopeful they will grow into a small business and occupy and grow our Downtown!


Over the years we have had a smattering of farmers from Del Norte attend our market, but for one reason or another Ocean Air Farm is our one farmer the has stood the test of time. Committed to continual growth they have invested again and again in our community and have been our only local source for produce.


We realized over time we could do that with our potential ‘backyard’ farmers as well. We created a Co-op table for Backyard Farmers to come try their hand at selling at a Farmers Market.  The Divas hold the business license, provide tables and chairs, and for a nominal fee ($4) allow locals with extra carrots, plums, kiwis, apples  and any produce they’ve grown to come try it out.  They get 2-3 co-op days to try it on, and our hope is to move them into a regular vendor spot selling their produce and working towards potentially becoming a true local farm.


Come see us in Del Norte County, where Nature outnumbers People


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